何宁宁He Ning Ning百度智能云公共安全及交通负责人General Manager of Public Secuirty and Transportation, BAIDU AI Cloud

何宁宁,百度智能云公共安全及交通负责人,毕业于北京邮电大学计算机科学与技术学院,主要从事人工智能与大数据商业化工作,推动百度计算机视觉、语音语义、大数据、LBS等技术在智慧城市、公共安全、智慧交通的产品研发以及解决方案落地。先后主导了百度基础技术体系资源管理、“最强大脑”人机对抗、广州白云机场刷脸登机、苏州城市盾牌、慈溪雪亮工程、银川市静态交通管理疏堵提畅等重点项目。 He Ningning, the head of Intelligent Cloud public safety and transportation, graduated from the school of computer science and technology, mainly engaged in the work of artificial intelligence and big data commercialization, and promoted the development of computer vision, voice semantics, big data, LBS and other technologies in Intelligent City、public safety、intelligent transportation product development and solution. It has led the key projects such as resource management of the basic technical system, human-machine confrontation of the "strongest brain", the boarding of planes by brush, the shield of the city in Suzhou, the project of "Xue Liang" in Cixi, and the Smooth traffic management in Yinchuan.



Theme of the speech:

ABC+X Leads Public Security Reform


百度智能云“ABC+X引领公共安全领域变革”的主题演讲, ABC是指AI+大数据+云计算,X是赋能各个行业,百度ABC与智能安防从产品到平台的演进发展情况。百度城市公共安全行业解决方案及新应用VideoMind、超级档案及多维检索。在面向安防提供端到端全面解决方案的过程中,会整合百度很多内部的能力,在最底层会基于整体的一张网络进行全面感知,最后在一片云和百度的一张图上进行集中展示。百度的新业态“城市安防云”聚焦赋能运营服务商安防生态网,向社会化视频监控资源输出百度综合AI能力,赋能本地化开发运营服务商生态网络,联合打造基于互联网的城市安防创新模式。

speech content:

The keynote speech of the Intelligent Cloud "ABC+X leading the change in the field of public safety", ABC refers to AI + big data + cloud computing, and X is the evolution of every industry, ABC and intelligent security from product to platform. The solutions and new applications of VideoMind, super files and multidimensional search are also presented. In the process of providing end to end solutions for security, it will integrate many internal capabilities. At the bottom, it will have a comprehensive perception based on the overall network. Finally, it will focus on a map of cloud and satellite. Baidu's new format, "urban security cloud", focuses on the eco security network of the enabling service providers, outputs Baidu comprehensive AI capabilities to the socialized video surveillance resources, and localize the development of operation service providers' ecological network, and jointly creates an Internet based urban security innovation mode.


百度智能云是百度旗下面向企业、开发者和政府机构的智能云计算服务商,致力于为各行业提供以ABC(人工智能 AI、大数据Big Data、云计算Cloud Computing)技术为一体的平台服务。百度智能云已发布超过260款产品和近40个解决方案,助力各行各业实现智能化转型。

company profile:

Baidu AI Cloud is an intelligent cloud computing platform for enterprises and developers. It is committed to providing ABC (AI, Big Data and Cloud Computing) technologies as an integrated platform service for industries.

Baidu AI Cloud has release more than 260 products and over 40 solutions, boosting intelligent transformation in various fields, such as finance, media, urban public security, games, manufacturing, education, logistics, and so on.




