杨金才Jincai Yang

欧洲科学院院士;深圳市安全防范行业协会创会会长;CPSE 安博会组委会主席




CPSE 安博会组委会主席

Jincai Yang

Academician of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Humanity (EASAH),

Chairman, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Shenzhen Security Industry Association,

Chairman of the CPSE organizing committee




杨金才先生1982 年开始从事安全防范工作,创办了深圳市安全防范行业协会、从1989 年开始,组织每二年举办一届全球最大规模的CPSE 安博会(中国国际社会公共安全博览会),CPSE 安博会至今为止已成功举办17 届,逐渐发展到2019年的115000 平方米展会面积,1100 多家厂商以及来自全球169 个国家和地区超过30 万人次的专业观众。1993 年创办安防科技杂志—中国公共安全。2001 年创办中国安防行业最具影响力的论坛——中国安防论坛,至今已经举办15 届。2007年倡导成立全球安防联盟,经过十几年时间发展,已经打造成为一个在国际享有盛誉行业组织。

Opening Speech


Academician of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Humanity (EASAH),Chairman of Shenzhen Security Industry Association and Shenzhen UAVIndustry Association; Established CPSE (China Public Security Expo).

Mr. Yang Jincai began to work in the security industry in 1982. He hassuccessively established the Shenzhen Security Industry Association and CPSE(China Public Security Expo) which has been held every other year since 1989.

CPSE has gradually developed its scale to 115,000 square meters. More than1,100 exhibitors and 300,000 professional visitors attend from 169 countriesand regions around the world. In 1993, he founded the China Public SecurityMagazine. In 2001, he founded the most influential forum in China's security industry – the China Public Security Forum, which has since been held for 15 sessions. In 2007, he advocated the establishment of the Global Security .

Industry Alliance. After more than ten years of development, it has become an internationally renowned organization.