腾讯云智能硬件行业解决方案负责人 Tencent Cloud Intelligent Hardware Industry Solution Leader
Cloud gathers everything, intelligence connects the future---Tencent Cloud assists the digital and intelligent upgrade of industries
The way Tencent Cloud propels the digitalization and intelligent upgrade of security industry in the Large Language Model era.
腾讯云,是中国领先的互联网综合服务提供商腾讯集团旗下的云计算品牌,面向全世界各个国家和地区的企业、组织、机构和个人开发者,提供全球领先的云计算、人工智能、 大数据等技术产品与服务。作为产业互联网的基础设施,腾讯云以卓越的技术能力打造丰富的行业解决方案,构建开放共赢的云端生态,助力各行各业实现数字化升级。
Tencent Cloud, one of the world's leading cloud companies, is committed to creating innovative solutions to resolve real-world issues and enabling digital transformation for smart industries. Through our extensive global infrastructure, Tencent Cloud provides businesses across the globe with stable and secure industry-leading cloud products and services, leveraging technological advancements such as cloud computing, Big Data analytics, AI, IoT and network security. It is our constant mission to meet the needs of industries across the board, including the fields of gaming, media and entertainment, finance, healthcare, property, retail, travel and transportation.
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