原国家消防救援局 助理总监ormer assistant director of National Fire and Rescue Administration
闫鹏,原国家消防救援局助理总监,高级工程师,研究生学历,军事学硕士,特级飞行员。 现为中国职业安全健康协会专家咨询委委员、副主任,航空救援装备专家咨询委员会副主任,中国消防救援学院、东北林业大学客座教授。主要从事灭火救援指挥、应急救援航空体系建设等工作,负责组建我国第一支航空救援专业国家队。长期致力于航空应急救援力量建设和森林草原灭火规律研究,主导、参与推动行业规划设计和规章编制工作,发表论文10余篇。 YAN Peng, Assistant Director of the National Fire and Rescue Administration, Senior engineer, postgraduate degree, Master of Military science, special pilot. He is now the deputy director of the Forest and Grassland Fire Protection Professional Committee of the Chinese Forestry Society, the deputy director of the Forest Fire Protection Branch of the Chinese Fire Protection Association, the deputy director of the Air rescue equipment Expert Advisory Committee, the expert Advisory committee of the National Innovation Alliance of Forest Fire prevention and Equipment, and the adjunct professor of the China Fire And Rescue Institute. Mainly engaged in fire rescue command, emergency rescue aviation system construction and other work, responsible for the formation of the first fire rescue team of aviation rescue force, presided over a number of scientific research projects such as helicopter installation of SATcom map transmission system. Participated in the compilation of the "Air Emergency Rescue System Construction Plan" of the Ministry of Emergency Management, and actively promoted the development of the construction of air emergency rescue system. Long-term commitment to the study of the construction law of forest fire fighting air force and the strategy and training approach of the forest grassland fire fighting. In journals such as China Emergency Management, China Disaster Reduction, and Forest Fire Prevention, more than 10 papers were published,including Strategic Thinking on the Construction of professional aviation emergency rescue Force, Attaching importance to ecological security Risks and Strengthening the construction of emergency response Force, and Grasping the opportunities of The Times to Accelerate the construction of forest aviation fire fighting Force.
欧洲科学院院士;深圳市安全防范行业协会创会会长;CPSE 安博会组委会主席
厦门市公安局科技通信处处长 高级工程师Director of Technology and Communications Division
公安人口管理的开拓者,公安科技信息化的耕耘者,数字警务的追梦者 Mr. Zhang is a pioneer in public security population management. He devotes himself to public security informatization and digital transformation in policing.
浙江警官职业学院副教授Zhejiang Police Vocational AcademyAssociate Professor
双学士,副教授,专业技术三级警监,编写出版三本教材和专著,发表20多篇文章,授权专利9项。浙江省综合评标专家、中国安防协会咨询专家。 Dual bachelor's degree, associate professor, professional and technical Police Commissioner,Class III, wrote and published three textbooks and monographs, published more than 20 articles, authorized 9 patents. Zhejiang Province comprehensive bid evaluation experts, Consultant of China Security Association.
重庆紫光华山智安科技有限公司产品总监Chongqing UNISINSIGHT technology limited company product director of UNISINGHT
紫光华智产品总监。20多年通信、IT、云计算、人工智能、计算机视觉领域等行业经验。 Product director of UNISINGHT,who has experiences of more than 20 years in communication technology,IT,cloud computing,artificial intelligence,computer vision technology and other relevant industry areas.
云天励飞公共安全行业负责人Head of Public Safety Sector
拥有丰富的智慧安防行业产品设计、研发、技术研究和团队管理经验,主导设计和研发多个智慧警务系列产品,已在近百个地方公安部门落地应用;参与的课题多次荣获地市、国家级奖项。 He has extensive experience in product design, R&D, technical research and team management in the intelligent security industry.He has led the design and R&D of several intelligent police series products, which have been applied in nearly one hundred local public security departments.The topics he has participated in have won many awards at the local and national levels.
宇视科技产品中心副主任 视频物联产品部部长Deputy Director of Product Center of Uniview, Director of Video IoT Product Department
涵盖的主题包括Profile M如何使分析解决方案更容易与符合标准的产品集成,并为传统相机和VMS供应商以及具有分析功能的边缘、服务器或云解决方案的独立开发人员提供更大的市场机会。 Deputy Director of Product Center of Uniview, Director of Video IoT Product Department
闪马城市交通行业线总经理兼营销副总裁General Manager of City traffic industry and marketing vice president
10余年交通/公安行业解决方案专家,落地项目覆盖全国多个城市,助力城市数字化转型向纵深推进。 Expert in solution of traffic and public security industry with experiences of more than 10 years,implemented projects across multiple cities nationwide,helps the further deepening of city digitalization transformation.
照彰实业高级项目总监Project Director
董先生从事安防行业15年以上,主要项目经验在安防、交通、能源、平安城市以及各类指挥中心等。对数字安防、能源电力等相关领域的建设有丰富的经验和深刻的理解。目前从事行业销售和渠道拓展等工作。 Mr. Dong has been engaged in the security industry for more than 15 years, and the main project experience is in security, transportation, energy, safe city and various command centers. I have rich experience and deep understanding of the construction of digital security, energy and power and other related fields. Currently engaged in industry sales and channel development and other work.
加特兰微电子科技市场总监Calterah’s Industrial Product Line Director
吴翔,加特兰微电子科技市场总监,毕业于上海交通大学,10年+半导体行业从业经验。 Xiang Wu, Calterah’s Industrial Product Line Director. Since Wu’s graduation from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, he has been working in the semiconductor industry for more than a decade.
广州视琨电子研发经理Manager of research and development
广州视琨电子科技有限公司电源事业部行业电源产品线研发经理 Guangzhou Shikun Electronic Technology Co. Ltd,power deparment,the manager of research and development of power product
当虹科技销售总监Sales Director
从事安防事业15年,曾就职于世界500强企业,目前就职于杭州当虹科技任销售总监,参与过多项雪亮工程等国家级项目,以及平安城市、智慧城市建设等省级项目。 She has been engaged in the security industry for 15 years and has worked for Fortune 500 companies, and currently works at Arcvideo Technology as the sales director. She has participated in a number of national projects such as the Xueliang Project, as well as provincial projects such as safe city and smart city construction.
腾讯云智能硬件行业解决方案负责人Tencent Cloud Intelligent Hardware Industry Solution Leader
腾讯云智能硬件行业解决方案负责人 Tencent Cloud Intelligent Hardware Industry Solution Leader
时间:2023年10月25日 9:30-12:00
8:30-9:00 | 签到 | ||
10:30-10:40 | 开幕致辞 | 王楠 | 中国安全防范产品行业协会秘书长 |
10:30-10:40 | 开幕致辞 | 杨金才 | 欧洲科学院院士、深圳市安全防范行业协会创会会长;、CPSE 安博会组委会主席 |
10:30-10:40 | 开幕致辞 | 杨鹏 博士 | 深圳市政协委员、深圳市安全防范行业协会常务副会长、CPSE安博会组委会秘书长 |
11:00-11:20 | 警务数字化转型关键问题研究 | 张若峰 | 厦门市公安局科技通信处处长 高级工程师 |
11:20-11:40 | AI洞察世界,数据启示未来 | 王雪枫 | 重庆紫光华山智安科技有限公司产品总监 |
11:40-12:00 | 数字经济背景下安防行业的发展趋势分享 | 都伊林 | 浙江警官职业学院副教授 |
时间:2023年10月26日 9:00-18:00
地址:深圳会展中心六楼 · 桂花厅
8:30-9:00 | 签到 | ||
9:00-09:30 | 开幕致辞: | 胡志昂 | 公安部检测中心原主任、研究员、博导,中安公共安全视频智能应用技术联盟理事长 |
9:00-09:30 | 开幕致辞 | 杨金才 | 欧洲科学院院士、深圳市安全防范行业协会创会会长;、CPSE 安博会组委会主席 |
9:00-09:30 | 开幕致辞 | 杨鹏 博士 | 深圳市政协委员、深圳市安全防范行业协会常务副会长、CPSE安博会组委会秘书长 |
9:30-10:00 | 自进化城市智能体建设,助力安防行业高质量发展 | 尹义 | 云天励飞公共安全行业负责人 |
10:00-10:30 | Onvif-Profile M 专题:用于智能分析的标准 | 周春梅 | 宇视科技产品中心副主任 视频物联产品部部长 |
10:30-11:00 | 待定 | 算能 | 待定 |
11:00-11:30 | “旧”机焕“新”颜,迈向安防进化新时代 | 詹诚 | 闪马城市交通行业线总经理兼营销副总裁 |
11:30-12:00 | 人机交互指挥平台-打造数智新时代 | 董琪 | 照彰实业 高级项目总监 |
12:00-13:30 | 午餐午休 | ||
13:30-14:00 | 抽奖环节- | CPSE安博会赞助无人机1台、 200元京东e卡5张 | 希捷科技赞助移动硬盘2块 |
14:00-14:30 | 见,又未见——高性能毫米波雷达感知技术 | 吴翔 | 加特兰微电子科技市场总监 |
14:30-15:00 | PoE交换机电源发展趋势 | 郑凌霄 | 广州视琨电子研发经理 |
15:00-15:30 | 10倍感知压缩-助力海量视频信息网络构建 | 刘珈彤 | 当虹科技销售总监 |
16:00-16:50 | 圆桌对话;主持人:杨儒 CPS中安网首席分析师 | 对话嘉宾; 张宁 泰科安防设备 中国区总经理 ;张余萍 宁波GQY视讯股份有限公司 市场总监; | 加更多嘉宾确认中...... |
16:50-17:00 | 抽奖环节 | CPSE安博会赞助无人机1台、 200元京东e卡5张 | 希捷科技赞助移动硬盘3块 |
时间:2023年10月27日 14:00-18:00
13:30-14:00 | 签到 | ||
14:00-14:20 | 开幕致辞: | 杨鹏 博士 | 深圳市安全防范行业协会联席会长、CPSE安博会组委会秘书长 |
14:20-14:30 | 行稳致远 安及四海 - 拥抱出海新浪潮 | 罗英华 | 航优科技-执行董事, 马来西亚沙巴海上丝绸之路学会暨促进会-秘书长 |
15:10-15:40 | 全球开店大客户团队分享 | Savi Chen | 亚马逊全球开店大客户拓展及运营资深经理 |
15:40-16:10 | 亚马逊云科技智能视觉解决方案介绍 | 蔡裕正 | 亚马逊云科技物联网资深产品经理 |
16:10-16:40 | 亚马逊云科技生成式AI应用场景实践 | 鲁梨 | 亚马逊云科技行业解决方案架构师 |
16:40-17:00 | 自由交流 |
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